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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

View Stock Item History

Showing 9

More specific transaction type filters on View Stock Item History

On the View Stock Item History form, there is no way to filter by some specific transaction types such as sales order despatch and purchase order receipt. The only way to achieve this is to use 'All Goods In/Out' and set the account type to custom...
Dan Hall 4 months ago in View Stock Item History 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stock History listed in 2 columns. IN and OUT

The Stock History is very difficult to work through, when looking for stock errors, because movements in and out are shown as positive numbers. Please either show Out movements as negatives numbers, or at least split in and out movements into 2 se...
Brenda Rawlings almost 2 years ago in View Stock Item History 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Running total in stock history

Would be great (if possible) to see a running total of stock qty in the stock history screen. This would help users understand which movements have affected their stock levels.
Guest over 6 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Increase the Stock history default date range to more than 3 months

The stock history enquiry screen has a default date range of just 3 months. I realise that it can be customised and expanded but that only holds for each specific enquiry and the earlier date needs selecting every time. I am advised that the 3 mon...
Jon Watkin over 5 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stock Item History BOM Build Record doesnt differentiate between Price and No Price records

Customers have asked if the BOM Build records could have a note against the BOM Build which is created once the build is completed with a cost price so they can easily differentiate between the lines with the unit cost without having to click into...
Guest over 5 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to search POP and SOP for orders that contain specific stock items.

It would save a lot of time navigating, currently you have to go to Stock Levels to find the SOP/ POP numbers then go to the other modules to find the detail that&s not held within Stock Levels eg order discounts, document date etc
Guest over 9 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stock Transactions History- download further details to excel not possible?

I am working in Products, looking at the cost prices for a product over a particular time period. In Sage 50 the prices were displayed with dates and quantities. With Sage 200 only the dates and quantities are displayed initially; for the prices y...
Jon Watkin over 5 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to filter Stock Item history to only show items that effect the nominal ledger

This allows the user to easily track physical stock received rather than dealing with stock movements that do not affect the quantity of stock held within the group. Limitation would be the filter would not necessarily show where the stock item is...
Guest over 9 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Client would like to view SOP invoice number in view stock history screen, currently shows SO number in reference and SO despatch number in 2nd reference

Client would like to view SOP invoice number in view stock history screen, currently shows SO number in reference and SO despatch number in 2nd reference
Guest about 9 years ago in View Stock Item History 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support