On the View Stock Item History form, there is no way to filter by some specific transaction types such as sales order despatch and purchase order receipt. The only way to achieve this is to use 'All Goods In/Out' and set the account type to customer or supplier in Advanced Selection. All Goods In/Out includes irrelevant transactions such as internal transfers. It would be much easier to be able to select the specific type you are interested in from the Type drop-down.
Idea Benefit | Easier to find relevant transactions and perform stock reconciliations |
How do you solve for this problem today? | Use Advanced Selection to filter on Customer or Supplier |
Product Variant | Sage 200 Professional |
Just ran into this as a problem in Sage ... it's odd to be able to filter on so many types, but no ability to filter on Receipts from Supplier or Dispatches to Customers
I am doing some tests, entering the invoice before the goods are received and I literally cannot tell how much stock I should have from "All Goods In"