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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
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Categories Select Company
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 5, 2018

Make the Select Company dialog sizable and not a fixed dialog

The Sage 200 company selection dialog presented when a user changes company or logs into Sage 200 is currently a fixed dialog which only allows the display of the first 6 sets of data or companies to be displayed, I have a customer with 172 companies defined and it is tedious to scroll through the list. It would be far easier if this box could be resized if required, as an extra bonus a search filter could be added such as is used in the desktop lists

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 8, 2024

    Our web browser accessible client has a much larger select company window, and search capabilities


Select from More Companies

Can the 'Select Company' screen display be enlarged to include more companies. At the moment it appears to be a fixed size - with a maximum of 6 companies displayed at any one time. The customer that I am raising this request for had 13 'live' com...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Select Company 0 Delivered