Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

correct the delay in printing the NL journal

When entering a NL journal and select the option to print. there is a delay of about 10 seconds or so,. have tried it 2015,2016 and 2017 and it occurs in them all,

  • Guest
  • Apr 17 2018
  • Not an idea
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    December 14, 2023 09:52

    We are unable to replicate this issue in 2023 R2, I would therefore recommend that you speak to your business partner to discuss the matter further.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    December 13, 2023 14:48

    This sounds like a software issue, I've passed this to our customer services team who will test it an raise it accordingly - testing it in the later versions.