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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Filtering
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 9, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-719 Workspace Filters on the fly.

Workspaces to have the ability of multiple filters or ability to select and use AND/OR statements

Workspaces to have the ability of multiple filters or ability to select and use AND/OR statements. For example, stock item status workspace which is supplemented by warehouse details when you create a filter with multiple actions, for example choose to filter by product group 1 OR 6 you cannot select OR so you haveto create both actions separately which is fine but then when you only want it to show for actual qty in stock greater than 0, it will not filter correctly. So to get around this, give the ability to either use AND/OR statements like in the stock item list view, which works perfectly well or give the ability to be able to choose multiple created filters on the workspace which will filter the data correctly. Client can export to excel and can also use the stock item list view but this isn&t supplemented with the warehouse details section like the workspace includes but wants to use the workspaces Sage have pushed and focused on. Not just on this one specific workspace but across the board of all workspaces would be advantageous to the client and save them lots of time overall!