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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 28, 2019

Ability to require dual authorisation for changing Supplier Bank Account Details

This idea relates to amending Supplier Bank Account Details using the following feature: Sage 200 Purchase Ledger Amend Account Details Bank tab It also assumes that a user has the relevant Sage 200 permissions to amend Supplier Bank details. Currently, it is possible for one user to amend Supplier bank details. It would be useful if Sage could introduce a feature where changes to these bank details needed to be authorised by another user i.e.Similar to POP Authorisation or Purchase Ledger authorisation. This change would make the system more secure, and would compliment the various new banking security features that have been introduced in recent versions.

  • +1

Supplier Bank Detail Authorisation - New and Amend Supplier Account - GDPR

There needs to be process whereby Bank Details are not committed to the Supplier Account until they have been authorised by a Manager to prevent fraud and a system that protects the data that proves that the details have been authorised. This is i...
Saeed Malik about 7 years ago in Bank - Dual Authorisation for Changing Supplier Bank Details 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Dual authorisation on bank details set up

I haven't found an option as of yet which allows me to have dual authorisation on entering bank details into the system for a supplier. With using if someone changes the bank details in the Supplier screen and a payment run is exporte...
Guest over 7 years ago in Bank - Dual Authorisation for Changing Supplier Bank Details 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

View only access to the Bank tab on suppliers

Spring 2019 edition has brought in a great feature where you can restrict access to the Bank tab in suppliers, where you are able to see it or not see it. There also is the audit log to show any changes made to it. It would be good if there was an...
Gary Butler almost 6 years ago in Bank - Dual Authorisation for Changing Supplier Bank Details 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support