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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Purchase Ledger day book with cost centre & dept to not simply show the default Nominal Account but the transaction it was posted against

We installed the new Purchase Ledger day book with Nominal & cost centre report, only to find it outputs the static data held on the supplier account. We feel this has been misinterpreted from a wish list. Basically Our clients were after a report like this where it showed you the NL analysis & cost centre that the invoices hit, but as you can imagine they were disappointed to see that it just lists the Supplies Default Nominal Account against each line, which is a static piece of data So in demo data you have ABC Cookers - on the trading tab, the default Nominal code is 44100 For this supplier, post 10 invoices to 10 different Nominal accounts, then run the report. The Nominal account it outputs on the report is 44100 & NOT the invoices it was posted against. The report would be much better if it did this as this is what you would use a purchase day book for - analysing what you have posted & where it was posted to, thanks, James

Fixed in version Report Design Service
  • Admin
    Keith Carver
    Jan 15, 2024

    Please contact our Report Design team to discuss this further (if your a Partner direct your customer to this article), with a view to seeing if this can be achieved with a custom report.

    Details on how to do this are available here.