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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Data to Excel to show Returns/Credits as negative

Not sure if this is possible as Data to Excel dumps the data contained in a report to Excel from the table formatting and ignores formatting on the report, but it would be great if Credits and Returns would show as negatives when using Data to Excel. Of course the data in the tables shows positive invoices and positive credits (which is still logical), but we have customers who love this functionality other than having to manually change the credit/return values from positive to negative.

  • Gary Butler
    Jan 4, 2024

    Hi Jo, its using Data to Excel from any report.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 4, 2024

    hi there, thanks for the idea can you give specific information as to where you are doing this from. Is it a report that's being run, are you using BI, Power BI or Excel reporting? Which version of the product have you reviewed this in?