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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

VAT Transactions report (by period)

Please add




columns on the VAT transactions report (by period). This will help to analyse the transactions and calculate the VAT partial exemption. Please see the columns highlighted in yellow on the attached file.

Idea Benefit We make both taxable and exempt supplies and have multiple cost centres and hundreds of departments. It will be very useful if the VAT transactions (by period) report includes Account number/Cost Centre and Department columns for all the transactions. This will save a lot of time when analysing the transactions for partial exemption before submission of the Quarterly returns.
How do you solve for this problem today? Currently I use VAT transactions (by period ) report and use excel formulas to pull the required information (Account number, cost centre and department codes) from the Departmental analysis detailed report to analyse the transactions. It is very time consuming.
Product Variant Sage 200 Standard
  • Chris Gorringe
    May 10, 2024

    We have a client that is doing partial VAT but they do not know that the PL invoice is partial or not at the point of entry. At the moment, we have written an addon that makes the NL analysis work on a 1-to-1 basis with the VAT transactions and then populates a new table with the relationship. They then use the raw data to work out their partial VAT etc and then create NL journals to apportion the monies accordingly. This is fine for them but it blocks them from using the API or importing transactions. Ideally, we would want a vanilla solution that allows for partial VAT analysis post PL invoice entry. Having the NL associations on the VAT transactions would be a good way forwards but it would also need the apportionment of the original PL transaction as well. (I think )