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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

To have a Nominal report showing Net & VAT amounts

Business scenario: HMRC VAT inspection - HMRC requires a break down of what transactions I have processed claiming VAT on for a specific Nominal Code. In Sage 50 Accounts the Financials/ Transactions area gives me this breakdown. I can then filter the list for my desired Nominal Code. Quick and simple to use. Unlike Sage 50, Sage 200 does not have an area or list similar to the Financials/ Transactions in Sage 50. There is also no report than gives me the information I require. As a workaround I can utilise the Unique Reference Report in Sage 200 by filtering it to show my required Nominal and VAT Nominal, this will bring me back transactions with NET & VAT but also singular transactions for NET only and VAT only. I would therefore have to export this to Excel to then filter these singular lines out. This would be very cumbersome to a business, I would therefore like to request a report that could provide this information.


show what vat rate was used against a nominal transaction

sage 50reports shows the vat rate used against a nominal transaction. Please could this be added to Sage200
marie purcell over 2 years ago in Nominal 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support