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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sage 200 Report Packaging Tool for Customers and Partners

Create a tool that will allow the ability to package up reports into bundles that can be deployed for use with Sage 200. The tool should be able to be used by Customers, partners and Sage colleagues.

Idea Benefit customers, partners and colleagues get the benefit of being able to deploy multiple reports, simply & easily without being a member of the developer program
How do you solve for this problem today? The reports would have to be manually shared and copied to the installation
  • Steve Stratton
    Jan 15, 2024

    The point has been missed. If we need to write a view for a report we need to package this as an add-on to be able to see it in Report Designer in the first place. I believe this idea was to be able to extend the report designer tables to allow the full functionality of custom reports. Having a "report packager" means complex custom reports can be deployed without having to send them to the developers to create the add-on before you can start work on the layout. Then when you find you have missed a column in the view having to keep involving developers to update the package

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 15, 2024

    The partner tools no longer exist in their original form and we've communicated this - developer tools remain available but from 2023 R2 they are licence controlled.

    These are the communications we have issued that will give you an overview of the changes

  • Andrew Douglas
    Jan 15, 2024

    Is that not the Add-on packager from the BP ToolKit? I thought that was available to non-developers.

    There are versions for the different releases of Sage 200.

    Although there doesn't seem to be a 23R2 version listed.