Suggestion to allow the ability to report on Features that have been linked to individual or their User Roles. At present there is limited clarity in reviewing the features applied for each role/user. The ability to create a report that could be exported in a clean format would assist in reviewing these features and ensure that the correct access is applied. It would also assist in understanding which roles require additional access for new features etc. Report could be made available in pdf and excel format for greater visibility, review and system controls.
This would be a useful report and could highlight some unknowns of what function Sage offers.
E.g We did not know that we could import alternative stock codes in to Sage as this feature was not assigned to any roles or users. We wasted time adding them manually.
How many more features do we not know about? This report would answer that question.
Adding to this vote. For Security clearance reviews as part of our ISO and Cyber Essentials certification we are required to report and review on who has access to what. This is difficult/near impossible to do in the current environment, and we don't have an easy way to review feature applications within roles to better define them.