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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Sage 200 API - Better expose the invoicing module via the API

Currently we can get invoice line items from the customer_sop_invoice_credit_line_views endpoint, however this only includes the line item description if the line item is for a Stock Item, but not if it is for Free Text, Charge or Comment.

Additionally there is no way to get details of an invoice itself, you can kind of get most of the details from the sales_posted_transactions endpoint once the invoice is posted, but it is not always a direct mapping and you cannot use it for printed invoices.


Expose more details in the customer_sop_invoice_credit_line_views endpoint, including description fields for all line items and the line item type
Expose a new invoices endpoint that returns details used in the invoice reports from within Sage. Including total amounts and allocations and invoice status.