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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Introduce a sales report that included salescost of salesmargin...and a total

Im amazed that this report isnt as standard in an accounts package. Any business needs to know what it has sold & what it has cost at any given time. Just a quick sales, lest cost of sales report for items that have actually been invoiced. At this point it is your turnover/set in stone what you've sold. It appears this isnt available in Sage 200. theres various SOP reports that show profitability, but doesnt take into account invoices. Also, if the invoice was raised in the sales ledger, then it isnt taken into account either. Im aware that you cant record costs in the sales ledger, but these are still sale & need to be included in any report.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Nov 1, 2023

    Invoices would need to be raised via the Invoicing or Sales Order Processing Module in order to assign a cost.