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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Spooler
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-2010 Separate Spool file folders for each Sage 200 company so that spool files can easily be archived and also hopefully speed up the display of the Print Report spool files (6138).

Revert to separate spool folders and previous functionality

Sage have merged all spool reports into a single folder rather than have a separate folder for each dataset. I believe this is a retrograde step because: -

  1. The spooler gets fuller quicker when multiple datasets are in use

  2. The spooler has to read all the file headers in order to work out which ones it needs in relation to the permissions of the user

  3. There is no longer a facility to mark or hold reports that you want to keep

  4. There used to be a facility to delete all unmarked spool files prior to a specific date Opening the spooler becomes noticeably slow (and sometimes impossible) when more than 4,000 items exist in the queue.