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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-1844 Automated duplicate invoice number check.

Automatic Checking For Duplicate Supplier Invoices

Just starting out using Sage For Education (Sage 200c), and am amazed that there is no automatic checking for duplicate supplier invoices being entered. When entering the invoice information, invoice date, invoice number, you get the tick on the right hand side of the reference box which goes green. We assumed that this meant that the invoice was unique, and continued to enter the details and nominal codes, and posted it. However, the green tick apparently means that it is OK to click on the green tick to manually check that the invoice is unique. This is very misleading to the AP team, who have been entering invoices on, seeing the tick go green, and carrying on. Can I suggest in the next round of improvements that this is looked at, and instead of manually having to check that the invoice is unique, the system tells you automatically, like it does in all the previous accounting software packages I&ve used? This is a significant flaw, and should be a really easy fix to do. Fortunately, the duplicate invoice which was entered was not for a high value, and we picked it up before payment was raised. it could have been a lot different however. Cheers, Ian

Fixed in version 2021 R1
Implemented in version (specific) 2021 R1
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Nov 15, 2023

    Sage 200 is on a program of modernisation, we don’t plan on making any changes of this nature in our current desktop client, however our Web Screens are the future and this has been delivered in our Web Screens. You can see more by visiting our what's new guides & videos as well as in our Web Portal help.