Customer would like a built-in enhancement where you can define a set period of time where it logs out a Sage user from the program automatically, in their case, 20 minutes, providing there has been no activity.
over 7 years ago
in Login/Log Off
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Sage 200 Disconnected Logins - Automatic Clear Down
A feature we would like to see is for disconnected logins to be cleared down automatically after a set period of say 1 hour or 1 day etc, currently we have to manually do this, and we only find out when a user reports an issue. Or even if that is ...
about 5 years ago
in Login/Log Off
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Bank Feeds - Bank Rec screen currently allows to enter different types of payments, but inter account transfers is missing.
Bank Rec screen currently allows to enter different types of payments, but inter account transfers is missing. I believed this was already raised as an idea 1851 (, but have been advised that thi...
The ability to split a nominal code on purchase orders without having to split quantities
We bulk purchase to receive discounts on line items. We have to split the items in order to split the nominals to show which are for stock and which are for customer orders. It woulbe nice to be able to have an option to split the nominal based on...
Lisa Chapman
about 1 month ago
in New/Amend Order
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Nominal payments setup using bank feeds, when the transaction posts to the nominal account to use the same narrative/reference as the bank transaction ie. the rule picks up the transaction from the first element of the reference where there is als...
More and more suppliers expect remittances. I also like to receive them when customers pay us. Is there a way to produce as I've been told it can only be done if credit control facility is used, which I don't.
Christine Sellick
2 months ago
in Suggested Payments
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Change of invoice address & company name on the invoice
Instead of having to go into the customer to edit these details, it should allow us to edit the invoice address and company name on the invoice despite the status. Even when you change the customer address, it won't amend the invoice once reprinti...
Sophie May
3 months ago
in Re-print
Already Exists
Customer transactions to import at a summary invoice/credit note level
It would be great if customer transactions can be imported at a summary invoice/credit note level with the option to drill down to individual transaction lines available when looking at the customer's account transaction history.
Show monthly total actuals in transaction enquiry (like Sage 50)
In Line 50 you can see in a simple way how much has been allocated to a nominal on a monthly basis for the current and previous year. It is easy to identify anomalies.
Corinna Semon
about 1 year ago
in Transaction Enquiry
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support