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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Convert Quote from Prospect to Customer to pick up nominal structure for stock items.

We have a customer who builds the nominal account for stock items using the nominal from stock and cost centre/dept from customers. When they create a quotation for a prospect account, it uses the default nominal details from the prospect. However...
Christie O'Connor almost 7 years ago in Convert Quote 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Posting Non Vatable Receipts

We post rapid invoices we get short cut keys to use which is quite helpful similarly if we can post rapid receipts or under non vatable receipts if we can get short cut keys available it will be quite handy.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Payment/Receipt 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

XML imports - scheme

Within the help menu, there are csv import file examples with the xls guide to completing them, there is also an XML example, but no formal XML scheme behind the XML example. The XML scheme should show field level attributes, i.e. the characterist...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Import help 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SOP Credit notes - credit note due date to calculate same as does for invoice due date

When raising a SOP credit note our client would like the due date of the credit note when posted to be calculated using the same rules as for calculating the invoice due date. e.g. 30 days from end of month
Guest almost 7 years ago in New/Amend Return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

VAT Return - Electronic Submission Report - Improve the detail - eg Payment Due/Refund Due Amount

Improve the detail - eg Payment Due/Refund Due Amount is a comparison the Sage 50 report is much more comprehensive.
Saeed Malik almost 7 years ago in VAT 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Narrative field to exist in trader ledger transaction tables

To display the narrative on reports and layouts, e.g. Purchase Remittance, requires the inclusion of the NLPostedNominalTran/NLDeferred NominalTran/NLPendNominalTran table(s) (depending on system configuration) by joining on the UniqueReferenceNum...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Database 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

correct the delay in printing the NL journal

When entering a NL journal and select the option to print. there is a delay of about 10 seconds or so,. have tried it 2015,2016 and 2017 and it occurs in them all,
Guest almost 7 years ago in Journal Entry 2 Not an idea

VAT Return - Electronic Submission - Save Online Service Credentials inside the Sage 200 Database

Users would appreciate the details being saved in the settings rather than having to enter them every time they do a VAT return. Sage 50 saves the Online Service Credentials......
Saeed Malik almost 7 years ago in VAT 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Need to report on stock held in internal areas

Our customer uses internal areas to (a) reserve stock for special purposes, and (b) modify / prove on a test bench. The advantage of an internal area is that the quantity moved to it actually reduces the free stock quantity visible of the screen d...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Stock 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

On the short tem cash forecast show the account currency

When you do the short term cash forecast and you have foreign currency accounts you need the ability to filter the sl and pl transactions to take into account the currency so you can then forecast what will go into the foreign currency bank accoun...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Short Term Cashflow Projection 0 Will not implement