Supplier List - Set the Default position of the 'Maximum number of transactions to display'
This functionality is available in Sage 200 Professional but not in Sage 200 Standard. This would make things a lot easier when searching for transaction on Supplier's account if the default position could be increased from just 100 transactions.
Tricia Dickens
3 months ago
in Settings
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
We have a requirement to be able to reverse the allocation for a given sales ledger transaction. For example, we could have a receipt allocated to 3 invoices and we need to be able to remove the allocation such that the invoices become outstanding...
Mark Hearne
5 months ago
in Sales Ledger
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
We're looking to extract P&L and Balance Sheet data from Sage200 to use in a cloud based system for planning and analytics. As we're trying to access the data via the Power Automate custom connector to the Sage200 API, we found we do not have ...
Adriana Nita
12 months ago
in API
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
When using SOP invoicing and there is no stock an invoice is produced anyway even though stock is set not to go into negative. This means the customer gets an invoice for goods they could not possibly have received. Can there be a warning either a...
View attached Attached Invoices from the Supplier and Customer Transaction Enquiry Screens
It would be really good if the Supplier and Customer Transaction Enquiry Screens fully matched functionality of the Desktop screens and allowed users to view Documents which had been attached against Transactions
Graham Sean
4 months ago
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
AR allocation drilldown - show inv date and due date
ON AR enquiry when you click on the allocation drilldown for a payment as well as showing the current info (inv number, amount) please can you add in invoice date and deu date
Documents to print lines in same order as on sales order after they you have used the move up and down function
When using the move up and move down function on orders, when you come to print the documents because the lines are not renumbered they print out in the original sort order.
Sarah Lancaster
11 months ago
in Print
Not an idea