As a Multi Academy Trust we have many members of staff in senior positions working across each of our academies. As the academies are set up as separate databases our users are having to log in to each database to check for items to authorise, the...
over 7 years ago
in Switch Companies
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
We have several locations and store different items in each locations. SOP only allows you to set a default for the entire order, we pick from multiple locations so it would be clearer for us to set default locations by stock item.
Amanda Blundell
over 7 years ago
in New/Amend Stock Record
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Ability to remove Currencies that are no longer used - assuming no transactions exist in the system in that currency
Add a delete button to the Currency setup screen to enable users to remove any currencies that don't exist. Removing would only be possible if there were no accounts in that currency
When will Sage200 be able to electronically pay a US$ supplier in US$ from a US$ bank account?
When will Sage200 be able to electronically pay a US$ supplier in US$ from a US$ bank account? Our customer reports the message - Electronic payment types cannot be used on foreign currency accounts
over 7 years ago
in Ebanking (Payments)
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
For the 50 200 migration tool to migrate the Ex Ref field
Currently when you migrate from Sage 50 to Sage 200, the reference and details field are migrated on the PL/SL transactions. However the ex ref value isn't migrated. It is lost in the ether. Can the migration tool be updated to migrate the ex ref ...
over 7 years ago
in Ex Ref / Migration Tool
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Please can the Excel Addon be made available again for 2016? It used to be such a handy tool when we were in 2011 to pull some data from Sage very quickly. Querying SQL is fine, but it requires some tech knowledge that not many staff have.
over 7 years ago
in Excel
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Old Wish 2210 - Sales Forecast needs Delete Line button
This was previously logged as an old Wish, under number 2210. It is too easy to delete an entire Sales Forecast in Planning. If you are in the Amend Sales Forecast option and choose &Delete& a message pops up to say &Are you sure you w...
over 7 years ago
in Manufacturing
Will not implement
Unit of Measure needs displaying on stock item suppliers details
You can add/amend the supplier details for any stock item. You can put in list prices and quantities, but nowhere does the screen display the appropriate unit of measure that applies to these prices and quantities. It needs to be displayed to avoi...
Increase update options available within BOM Maintenance
Several customers have identified a requirement to bulk update stock item details from Stock Control to Bill of Materials. One particular customer would like to enter a 'Scrap Percentage' on the 'Manufacturing' tab of several thousand stock items,...
over 7 years ago
in Maintenance
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Introduce a sales report that included salescost of salesmargin...and a total
Im amazed that this report isnt as standard in an accounts package. Any business needs to know what it has sold & what it has cost at any given time. Just a quick sales, lest cost of sales report for items that have actually been invoiced. At ...