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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Auto refresh option on all screens

An option to selct an auto refresh on all screens within sage 200, bank screen, nominal etc
Guest over 1 year ago in List 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Option to pick up email from Delivery address or in contacts for emailing Invoices out

Some departments would like Sales invoices to go direct to them, whilst other areas need their invoices to go to the main invoicing / accounts contact setup at Sales Leger level If we could add a tick box on the delivery address to override the ma...
Victoria Hanley 7 months ago in New/Amend Invoice 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The ability to select which budget you're reporting against when running financial statements

We set a budget for the start of the financial year. I'm sure plenty of other companies then do a re-forecast. Some might do it after Q1, some may re-forecast every quarter for example. It would be incredibly helpful if we could select the budget ...
John Wilkins 12 months ago in Budgets 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Bank detail change approval

Could an approvals style routine be build in to allow a senior user to approve any bank detail changes please? The audit log is good but it doesn't prevent changes and so issues could arise before anyone is aware.
Guest over 1 year ago in Account 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow Unicode characters in address details

When receiving orders from countries like South Korea & Greece the Delivery address does not handle the local language of the country. i.e. it replaced foreign characters with question marks.
simon IT tech 2 months ago in Account / Account 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow the deletion/clean up of users in System Administration

It would be great if System Administration allowed the deletion/clean up of users. Currently, the support team are only offering the advice to create a brand new configuration database to get around this problem. Thanks!
Guest almost 7 years ago in Users 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

When copying invoices, nominal codes should be copied as well

When copying a Sales Order from a previous Sales Order, all the details are copied across including the nominal codes, then all you have to do is adjust the quantities. However, if you do the same with an Invoice, the customer details and quantiti...
Jeff Keen 11 months ago in New/Amend Order 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Better flow of information for stock

It would be good if you could see in one place the stock selling price and the stock buying price, the location and the quantity in stock, I am new to Sage and find the flow between Stock, Sales and Purchases is very limited. Finding the informati...
Sally Bruce 11 months ago in Stock 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

API Enhancements

Sage 200 has a dedicated developer and partner community who use our developer tools extensively to customise the software to customers business requirements. We'd like to hear feedback on areas where the API needs to be extended.
Guest about 1 year ago in API 7 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Setting "Allowed to enter other resources timesheets" works in "Enter Timesheet - Week" screen but not in "Enter Timesheet- Batch" screen.

One of our Engineers incorrectly entered some hours in the incorrect week. They enter their time using the Sage 200 workspace on the web browser. Myself and one other person have the setting enabled so that we can enter timesheets on behalf of oth...
John Wilkins 4 months ago in Project Accounting 2 Not an idea