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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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A stock ageing report that allows you to exclude stock transfer transactions.

A stock ageing report should include only In and Out transactions to age the stock and not transactions when you move the stock from one location to another.
Zoe Norcliffe 6 months ago in Stock Transaction Report 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

10 top selling items in the last 12 months has incorrect unit (eg showing £ but is a Qty, not £)

I've noticed that when you hover over a section of the pie chart when looking at the "10 Top Selling Items In The Last 12 Months" within the "Summaries" section, that it incorrectly shows these as amounts or values (in my example £7,524) but this ...
John Wilkins 4 months ago in Workspaces 3 Not an idea


More and more suppliers expect remittances. I also like to receive them when customers pay us. Is there a way to produce as I've been told it can only be done if credit control facility is used, which I don't.
Christine Sellick 3 months ago in Suggested Payments 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Aged debtors figure when completing year end figures

I hide customers who have nil balances. However, when running aged debtors for year end, the figure only includes those customers that are current (not hidden). This alters the figure as far as I can see. Am I doing something wrong or is it that w...
Christine Sellick 21 days ago in Audit Trail 3 Further Information Required

Unallocate whole order

Would be good if there was capacity to unallocate whole order (when the order has been put on in advance).
Christine Sellick over 1 year ago in Allocate 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Option to automate the transfer of VAT from the sales and purchase tax control nominals to the VAT liability nominals post completing a VAT return

For there to be an option to automate the transfer of VAT from the sales and purchase tax control nominals to the VAT liability nominal post completing a VAT return rather than this having to be journaled manually each time.
Guest over 1 year ago in VAT 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Actual costing prices

When creating a sales order, or converting a quote to an order, the batch cost is not being used when a batch is allocated to the order. The scenario is fairly, simply, there is a item set as a Batch Numbered and Actual Costing, with an average bu...
Tim Critchley 4 months ago in Allocate 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

For purchase orders requiring dual authorisation, "part-authorised" status required

There is no indication that a purchase order requiring dual authorisation may be in a part-authorised status. The order originator has no idea who, if anyone, has performed their part of the authorisation process. No emails are sent until the fina...
Gareth Beale about 1 year ago in Authorise 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SQL Triggers

I know it is not allowed to be able to use SQL Triggers on the Sage 200 databases but I believe this should be considered
Andrew Siddles 5 months ago in Database 2 Will not implement

Message users from Sage 200 System Admin

It would be really useful to be able to select one or more users from the Active Users screen in Sage Administration and send them a message that appears on their screen, The Sage server is in contact with the client (most of the time) so this cou...
Chris Gorringe almost 2 years ago in Messaging 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support