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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

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Sage 200 Purchase Ledger - Import Transactions routine should prevent transactions importing if the relevant Purchase Ledger Account is On Hold

Currently, only the Sales Ledger Import Transactions routine prevents transactions from importing if the relevant Sales Ledger Account is On Hold. Can the Purchase Ledger Import Transactions routine be amended to work in the same way? One of our c...
Eric Belshaw over 7 years ago in Customer/Supplier Account 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Alphabetise the Combined Budgets listing in the POP Requisition

It would be very helpful if the Combined Budgets drop down in the POP requisition could be in an alphabetical order. At present the list seems to follow the order in which the budgets were set up in the system which is not very helpful at all for ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Requisition 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

User Access Screen - Change the default of save and close screen

We are on the limit of 150 users to get this screen to open. When changing many users this creates a similar time out error as occurs when more than 150 users are allocated. It would help to not have to wait for the screen to re-open after you hav...
Guest over 7 years ago in Default Save Behaviour 2 Further Information Required

Multiple Discounts

It would be great to set multiple discounts against the customer file which can be picked up on order entry. Customer File Select Discount groupSelect valid until dateSelect if Discount is Active/InactiveSelect if Default DiscountOrder Entry Defau...
Guest over 7 years ago in Multiple Discounts 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Booking material/stock in order of field entries to be changed:

When booking in material if the site is not the first thing changed (eg to Wellingborough) and the quantity received and batch numbers are entered, although Sage allows you then to change the site, when you save Sage deletes all details entered an...
Guest over 7 years ago in GRN 2 Further Information Required

Allow several Transaction Analysis codes to be used on the same transaction.

There are many occasions when an organisation would like to be able to analyse their transaction data in different ways and then be able to report or export on the data. Allowing several different Transaction Analysis codes to be entered on a sing...
Guest over 7 years ago in Transaction Analysis Codes 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

BUG Sage 200 2015 - Possibly still happening.

While putting an order on for a customer, if you click the "Customer Details" Button, then "View Orders" so you can look at their past orders and then look at an order, then close down the window, if you click on the "Customer Details" button agai...
Guest over 7 years ago in Amend Order Status 1 Will not implement

Need to be able to use the New nominal analysis fields in all reports and Excel reporting workbooks

Need the ability to add the Nominal Analysis (20) to existing reports e.g. TB P&L, Balance sheet etc. and include in the Excel Reporting areas. We currently have a customer who is keen to use the Nominal Analysis for better reporting within th...
Guest over 7 years ago in Nominal 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Customer Payment terms

The Ability to amend customer payment terms at order entry level. For instance if running a promotion you may want to give a discount (catered for in order entry) and extended payment terms for that order. (Not catered for in order entry)
Guest over 7 years ago in New/Amend Order 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The Option to Hide the Unit of Sale Field on the Sales Return Field.

It would be good if you could either hide the Unit of Sale Field on a Sales Return for a Free Text Item, it is easy to enter the price in here by mistake so would be better if it wasn't displayed or you had the option to either display it or not.
Carolyn Innes over 7 years ago in New/Amend Return 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support