Direct delivery/amend delivery address for free text items (Purchase orders)
The title says it all, really. Ive had a couple of customers asking if they can amend the address or question my they cant arrange a direct delivery on a free text item and Ive just had to advise them to add another free text line (or comment line...
There is currently no option to have memos or notes on an SL account pop up with an order/proforma is being entered for a customer. A setting idea would be when creating the active memo, to have a tick box to allow it to work as a pop up so it d
Paperless Accounting - PDF Supplier Invoice Viewing
We are looking into becoming paperless and it would be great if Sage had the function to upload invoices in PDF format to be stored on the suppliers account. If you need to see an invoice you could click on the transaction and have the capability ...
To be able to sort Bank Reconciliation by Value. Could in previous version.
Please can a fix be put in to sort the Bank Reconciliation by Value order which is how it appears on the Bank Statements? Would save so much to-ing and fro-ing!
Ability to hide/delete Authorised Purchase Requisitions
Potentially there can be situations where Purchase Requisitions are authorised but it is then decided the Purchase Order isnt needed or some details of the requisition are incorrect. Currently the only way to remove these from the Generate Purchas...
Paul Robinson
about 7 years ago
in Requisition
Block Postings to a nominal account (Make inactive even if there is a balance)
Client has asked is it possible to make a nominal code inactive even if it has a balance. In a sense moth ball the nominal account (seasonal nominal analysis).
Additional option on NL Accounts for transactions not to be posted to the Account
It would be useful if there was an additional option on Nominal Accounts, perhaps a tick box which will say if the Account allows transactions to be posted to it or not. This would be useful if the user no longer uses certain Nominal Accounts as t...