Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Direct delivery/amend delivery address for free text items (Purchase orders)

The title says it all, really. Ive had a couple of customers asking if they can amend the address or question my they cant arrange a direct delivery on a free text item and Ive just had to advise them to add another free text line (or comment line) with the address which isnt ideal and leaves room for error.

  • John Dunn
  • Jun 12 2017
  • Delivered
Fixed in version 2018 (Spring/ Summer/ Winter)
Implemented in version (specific) 2018 (Winter)
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    October 26, 2023 12:25

    This has now be included in Sage 200c Winter 2018 and the latest version of Standard Online.