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Back to back orders

Showing 11

Populate Supplier Reference with Sales Document Number on back to Back Orders

When creating back to back purchase orders there is no visibility of the sales order number when viewing the purchase order
Anita Gilson 8 months ago in Back to back orders 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Purchase Order does not balance after changes in linked sales order

We do a lot of back to back orders. When an amendment is made to a sales order after a linked purchase order has been created - the change occurs on both the sales and purchase order - but the net value of the purchase order does not change. The i...
Oldschool Oldschool about 1 year ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to amend Back-to-Back Orders

When a customer reduces the quantity of the product ordered, there is no way to amend the PO. Example, your customer orders three copies of Sage 200 software, you raise a SO, delivery direct from supplier, and 'save and generate' a PO is raised fo...
Debbie Hunt over 8 years ago in Back to back orders 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

SO to PO trace - and to invoice numbers

Ability to be able to easily trace back a SO to PO (and vice versa) when raised as the 1 thing, i.e how to know which PO was raised from a SO direct delivery. And to identify invoice numbers raised on both SO and PO's too
Guest about 7 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Back-to-Back Order Generation to permit Supplier selection

Sales Order Processing, entered sales items with fulfilment method of Supplier via Stock. When closing the sales order entry using the Save & Generate PO option, and where a sales item has multiple suppliers (i.e. not a single default) then it...
Guest over 7 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Allow back to back ordering for service items

We want to set-up some product codes using the service product group. These service items will form part of a sales order that will include other standard stock items. At the point of despatch, we need the facility within sage to generate a linked...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Ability to raise a Sales Order from a Purchase Order:

In our customers example - they want to issue to the manufacturer a delivery note but do not want the customer to know that they have supplied via a 3rd party warehouse (used direct delivery from supplier tick box) However you are unable to despat...
Guest over 7 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

When creating back to back purchase orders, allow for the supplier account to be selected other than the default.

By default a supplier is automatically selected for the generation of back to back purchase orders, When creating back to back purchase orders, would it be possible to allow for the supplier account to be selected other than the default, from a li...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

BACK-TO-BACK Orders - PO to be displayed in order of choice of users e.g. line numbers, same order as SOP(1268)

When raise PO through Generate Orders or Save and Generate Order, would like the order to be displayed in the same order as the original Sales Order. This would make it far easier to check whether everything required is going to be included in lar...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Back-to-back Ordering - Direct Deliveries - Override Unit Quantity

When generating a Purchase Order from a Sales Order with 'Direct Delivery' fulfilment method, once generated neither the Sales Order or Purchase Order unit quantity can be changed. For one of our Clients there are instances when the precise unit q...
Richard Owens about 7 years ago in Back to back orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support