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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Generate Payments

Showing 15

Electronic Payments for Foreign Suppliers and Banks

We have tested this in 10.00.0001 and 9.02.0002 and have the same problem. It will allow you to change a Payment Type to be an electronic payment
Guest almost 9 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Not an idea

Generate Payments - Allow Cheque Value to Exceed Balance - Setting to default this be ticked

The system needs to made more fool proof - this is one example. If you do not tickAllow Cheque Value to Exceed Balance when Generating Payments - the suppliers that have exceeded their balances cause a payment run to fail and subsequently the BACS...
Saeed Malik about 3 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stop cheque number skipping on multi page remittance

Has ran through the process but is finding that when she created the cheque, it is going on the wrong number, wants the cheque to be 37 but keeps going to 38 - using the standard Cheque and Remittance layout. Allows 18 lines on the remittance Crit...
Guest about 8 years ago in Generate Payments 2 Further Information Required

Payment runs

It is taking us about a day to prepare a payment run, this is because it takes so long to collate all of the purchase invoices for the authorisor to the check the payment run against. The ideal scenario would be that when you generate the payment ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Generate payments remittance date to be todays date not the date software was installed.

Currently in Purchase Ledger Period End Routines Payment Processing Generate Payments. The remittance date seems to be the date the software was originally installed. It most certainly isnt todays date which would be much more
Guest almost 9 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Already Exists