Not paying all suppliers from Suggested Payments without doing them individually or doing a lot of amending
When you run a suggested payments report showing all suppliers awaiting payment, it would be good if you could then be able to tick the ones you wish to pay to generate payments. I currently have about 500 suppliers that are paid monthly and altho...
over 1 year ago
in Suggested Payments
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Purchase Order List & Purchase Order List (With Projects) - Remaining Balance and or Invoiced/Credited Amount
Users would like to see in this screen the Total Net Value Remaining and/or Total Invoiced/Credit Net Amount. Or at least some indication that a PO has an invoice on it. You cannot run the invoice/credit report for every PO
over 1 year ago
in List
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
My colleagues and I all agree that it would be much more helpful to have the following contact information on both ledgers: Job Title, First Name, Last Name Rather than: Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
sarah wall
over 2 years ago
in Account / Account
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
An undo/reverse button for all transactions in Sage 200
I work for an Education Trust so we use the Sage 200 software. I have recently seen that Sage 50 offers an undo button which means that a payment or receipt, which has been posted incorrectly, can be instantly reversed with no problems. I was just...
Sales/Purchase Ledger Duplicate Reference & Date Check Tool to allow check on reference only
It would be good if this checker could have an option to check the Reference Only rather than both the Reference & Date having to be duplicated for the warning message to appear.
When looking for the correct nominal code, is it possible that you could enter a few characters and the look up will start from there rather than going through the whole nominal list.
Sales and Purchase Ledger Transaction Enquiries - setting to choose whether to sort descending or ascending
In credit control & payment control circumstances, users wish to see the oldest transactions first when loading a transaction enquiry as these are the transactions most likely to need attention, they can click on the column to change the sort ...