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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


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Avoid SAGE re-issuing invoice but to automatically update changes

when I post a sales invoice through invoicing module, then the customer comes back to me and says can you update the address to “…….” Or FAO “……”, at the moment, I have to reverse the invoice I just posted, update the information on their account ...
Ash Prayagsing 7 months ago in Post / Print 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Posting Invoice from Invoicing populates reference and second reference as the Invoice Number

Can the below be changed please? When you raise an order from SOP, process it all the way through, you have a Sales Ledger posting that has the reference and 2nd ref as the invoice number and order number. When you do the same on Invoicing, it was...
Guest over 7 years ago in Post 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

To have a field on invoice to populate 2nd ref

I have had a few clients who wish to raise an invoice from the invoice list and record information at this point which will then post through to the 2nd reference field in the customer transaction enquiry screen. This could be using the Customer O...
David Shearer almost 3 years ago in Post 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Setting for COS postings in the invoicing module

If a post-dated invoice is raised and posted in the Invoicing module any COS postings will be created using the system date when the invoice is posted, rather than the invoice date. Could this be changed so that either the invoice date is used for...
Nat Evans over 6 years ago in Post 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support