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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


Showing 7

Multiple databases - colour coded

As we have multiple databases, one per school, it would be helpful if the background or tool bars could be differently coloured for each school to help easily identify which database is being used and prevent posting transactions in the wrong data...
Guest over 5 years ago in Companies 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add the database version to the Companies list in Sage 200 System Admin tool

Can we add the database version to the Companies list in Sage 200 System Admin tool? If we are updating a lot of databases but cannot do them all in one go, being able to see the current database version would be very helpful.
Chris Gorringe almost 4 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

The ability to change the name of your company in Sage 200 Standard ( change Database name )

Sage 200 Standard and “unable to delete a database or restore into a different database name” if you only have a one-company licence. The need to change a Company Name can happen for the following reasons:- a) Someone got it wrong when the company...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Banner Settings - Company Colour - More options to change the desktop theme colour scheme like you could do in Sovereign

The line at the Top of each form in fairly obtuse and does not stand out even if you use a strong colour It would be better the change the whole desktop background as you could do in Sky/Sovereign eg Desktop Theme & Desktop List Views
Saeed Malik over 9 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Alphabetical order, instead of id for adding members into companies or company access into users - sage 200 administration

When trying to add members into companies or company access into users its all in ID order and not in alphabetical name order. Would be good if this could be updated for quick adding purposes
Guest almost 5 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Create new company/database template

A lot of customer come across the need to create a new company / database using the same Report Categories / Chart of Accounts / Settings etc. from an existing company, however they don&t always have access to the original import files. For a ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Data Cleansing

An option to allow the data to be cleaned in a single routine where the company can be sent back to just static data, for example All transactions removed leaving just Accounts with no balances, Stock Items with no Balances, Clear all Sales and Pu...
Andrew Siddles over 7 years ago in Companies 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support