Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Create new company/database template

A lot of customer come across the need to create a new company / database using the same Report Categories / Chart of Accounts / Settings etc. from an existing company, however they don&t always have access to the original import files. For a user, this means they need to create the blank company, produce the import files, then manually check the settings between a live and new company. It would be useful if at the point of creating the new database for the user to be able to select an existing database as a template and which elements they would like to copy over (e.g. Rep Categories / NL Codes / Settings etc). Alternatively, to have the ability to export the relevant details from the live company, so this can then be immediately imported into the new database.

  • Guest
  • Mar 4 2016
  • Idea Accepted - Gauging Support