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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Price Bands

Showing 3

Give the Prices for Priceband screen save / apply buttons

In most areas of Sage 200 you can safely make changes to the data and it is only updated in the database once you save / apply those changes. THis is not the case on the prices for priceband screen. There is no save / apply button and changes made...
David Richardson 9 months ago in Price Bands 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Unlink stock items from standard price band in bulk

As the price band import works at the moment, if you leave the price for an item in a price band blank, it will link that item in that price band to the standard price. Unfortunately, this doesn't work the other way around, so if you enter a price...
John Dunn 11 months ago in Price Bands 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Price bands

Have a price break selection for each customer, based on their payment history - if a customer pays immediately, within terms, they would be say, A1. A bad payer who takes 90 to pay would be say, C3. We would like to offer a customer who pays well...
Christine Sellick about 1 year ago in Price Bands 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support