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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Desktop Settings

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Sage 200 Standard Customisation

When you customise Sage 200 Standard with columns etc I'd like these to be saved in the cloud so no matter where you log on you have your customisations. I understand it to be they are saved in temp files on the PC so does not follow you around.
David Shearer 5 days ago in Desktop Settings 4 Review Required

Set up specific to log in, not computer

Would be useful if each log in had it's own set up on each page (which category is shown on each page) as this is often specific to each individual. At the moment, it is set to each computer, rather than log in.
Christine Sellick 12 months ago in Desktop Settings 2 Further Information Required

Desktop Settings should be saved within the Sage Share folder and not locally on Workstations

Eg in remote desktop environment with a server farm, users won't be necessary be logging on to the same server each time. There any changes to the list views eg Sales Ledger List View will be shown on the alternative server(s)
Saeed Malik over 3 years ago in Desktop Settings 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support