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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

My votes: Account

Showing 5

Supplier Account Information

I would like to be able to view the supplier account information without having to select 'amend Account' as this could potentially result in someone accidentally overwriting existing information. Sage 50 would allow you to view the supplier infor...
Jenna Hughes 4 months ago in Account 4 Already Exists

Allow the ability to remove default nominal codes in supplier accounts

It is very annoying to not be able to remove default nominal codes from supplier accounts. We have several suppliers who were set up with a specific purchase in mind and were coded accordingly, who have since become suppliers of varied products ne...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Account 1 Already Exists

Supplier account default nominal

This requires a valid nominal account, but user wants ability to add a code and then select cost centre when entering transaction as they could previously, as the analysis box was yellow. Now you can only select a valid nominal code, and you canno...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account 1 Already Exists

Reinstate the ability to remove default nominal codes from Customer/Supplier Accounts

We have several clients that have requested the ability to remove default nominal codes from customer and supplier accounts temporarily for various internal processing reasons. The function was available in earlier versions but is not available in...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Account 1 Already Exists

Have a button/box that you can click/tick when setting up clients or amending them so that the account is noted that PO NUMBERS MUST BE SHOWN ON INVOICE - Therefore when you come to invoice you HAVE to enter a PO Number or it will not let you save etc

Have a button/box that you can click/tick when setting up clients or amending them so that the account is noted that PO NUMBERS MUST BE SHOWN ON INVOICE - Therefore when you come to invoice you HAVE to enter a PO Number or it will not let you save...
Guest over 1 year ago in Account 1 Already Exists