To add a new screen where it is possible to tick Accounts to be hidden/re-activated en-masse (all ledgers)
Customers regularly ask the question whether it is possible to hide accounts en-masse. In the Purchase and Sales Ledgers it is possible to sort Accounts in the Accounts List View using the &Date of Last Transaction & field, then select mul...
Dont allow processing of orders when account is on hold
sage allows despatch of goods when an account is on hold for existing orders. Would prefer to stop any processing of orders as goods are being despatched to customers that shouldn't receive them
joanne scott
about 7 years ago
in Account Status
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Do not allow a Sage200 account (Customer or Supplier) to be marked as Hidden if the balance is not zero. Currently hidden accounts do not appear on reports that would normally be used by auditors to validate debtors and creditors control. Similarl...
Customisable on stop allow one order to proceed, control how much credit a company can have without taking customer on and off stop repeatedly which is extremely time consuming. Account activity alerts for credit controller.
over 9 years ago
in Account Status
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
User definable Customer Statuses with options to define what processes should be blocked for each status. E.g. Allow quote to be entered but prevent order being entered, or disallow both Allow order but prevent despatch etc. Similar to the way Pro...