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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Write Off Orders

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To be able to Write Off Incomplete Sales Orders in the same way as Writing Off Orders in POP

Previously logged as Wish List Number 5983. A number of customers think that it would be useful to be able to Write Off Incomplete Sales Orders in the same way as you can Write Off Incomplete Purchase Orders. There is currently no facility in SOP ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Write Off Orders 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Write off stock from credit note (e.g. for damaged/missing items)

When raising a credit note for goods which the customer reported damaged or missing, it would be useful to have an option to write off that stock as the credit note is posted, since those goods aren't actually being returned but do need crediting ...
Vicky Poole over 7 years ago in Write Off Orders 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support