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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Audit Trail

Showing 7

Aged debtors figure when completing year end figures

I hide customers who have nil balances. However, when running aged debtors for year end, the figure only includes those customers that are current (not hidden). This alters the figure as far as I can see. Am I doing something wrong or is it that w...
Christine Sellick 20 days ago in Audit Trail 3 Further Information Required

Sage Earth for Sage 200

Many businesses are being asked to publish carbon footprint reporting. Looks like Sage Earth is coming for sage 50 - needed for Sage 200
Darren Tolley about 1 year ago in Audit Trail 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

For the Audit log to record changes to Customer Credit Limits

We had a demo with a customer today that has strict credit limit control. They want to keep track if anyone changes the customer credit limit, much like it does for supplier bank details, to ensure they are set correctly, and if not, be able to fi...
Gary Butler over 5 years ago in Audit Trail 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Audit Trail for the Hide Accounts functionality

Have a recording of the changes to an account Eg. if it is set to hidden, the user that did this and the reason Then if it is unhidden, again the same details so there is a trail
Guest over 7 years ago in Audit Trail 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Audit Trail to reflect Nominal Postings

I&ve recently discovered that the Accounting system Manager Audit Trail can differ to the NL posted transactions as the 2 screen refer to different tables in the DB. So this makes the Audit trail unuseable and it can not be relied upon. It nee...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Audit Trail 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

VAT Code to be a column option when viewing Transaction Audit Trail List

In Transaction Audit Trail List, it would be very useful to be able to include VAT Code as a column type in the view screen.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Audit Trail 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Correct Transaction/Amend Transaction Details - Narrative in ASM Audit Trial List should be updated as well

The ASM Audit Trail List narrative is not updated when you correct or amend a transaction in the Sales/Purchase Ledger Correct screens or via the Nominal Posted/Current/Deferred Transaction views.
Saeed Malik about 7 years ago in Audit Trail 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support