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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

My votes: Purchase Order Processing (POP)

Showing 7

Control Default UoM used in POP - Generate Orders and Manual PO Entry

Having found a flaw in how UoM's are used by Sage200 during discussion's with Dale Norris in Support. POP Unit of Measure Usage Issue.docx Please review above document for steps to replicate. We have found a work around but this still requires Use...
Guest about 2 years ago in Generate orders 1 Will not implement

Manufacturer field to POP Generate Purchase Orders Screen customisation

Can you add the values from quot;Manufacturerquot; field from stock card tonbsp;Generate Purchase Orders Screen to allow us to group types of products together by manufacturer when running generate orders for multiple lines
Nick Cooke almost 2 years ago in Generate orders 0 Will not implement

The ability to select and or add a POP delivery address to the Delivery tab

The ability to select and or add a POP delivery address to the Delivery tab. Some times a Direct Delivery address is required without the stock movement being necessary in Sage 200. i.e. Direct Deliver an item, which has also been added to a Sales...
Guest about 10 years ago in New/Amend Return 1 Will not implement

Fix issues with Purchase Order Delivery Addressing

In summary: 1) You cannot alter By default supply to on an existing purchase order 2) You cannot enter or amend a delivery address for a whole purchase order 3) You can only specify a delivery address on each line item by ticking the box labelled ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in New/Amend Order 1 Will not implement

Amend the delivery address on free text items in POP

Not all items are delivered to the to the default delivery address so you should be able to amend the delivery address for direct deliveries from the supplier on free text items
Guest over 7 years ago in New/Amend Order 0 Will not implement

Flag received goods on POP that have not met the Customers quality control standard.

For some customers, it would be useful to be able to flag goods received if they have not met the Customers quality control standard. So, perhaps if they could be put on query or something similar and then a message to appear before the Invoice is...
Guest almost 10 years ago in GRN 0 Will not implement

Purchase Order List

Please can we have the option to show include nominal and department columns to this list. This would help reviewing on one screen what outstanding POs are left for departments and where they have been coded.
Guest over 6 years ago in List 0 Will not implement