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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


Showing 47

Add proforma endpoint to Sage 200 API

Add a proforma endpoint to the Sage 200 API just like orders and quotes. This should support GET, POST and PUT as the others do.
MIKE TREANOR 17 days ago in SOP 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Supplier and additional analysis columns in nominal breakdown.

Allow users to add in additional columns in the nominal breakdown screen, such as seeing the supplier that the invoice has been processed against.
Sage API User over 1 year ago in Nominal 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

API Enhancements

Sage 200 has a dedicated developer and partner community who use our developer tools extensively to customise the software to customers business requirements. We'd like to hear feedback on areas where the API needs to be extended.
Guest over 1 year ago in API 7 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Extend the Power Automate Custom Connector

We're looking to extract P&L and Balance Sheet data from Sage200 to use in a cloud based system for planning and analytics. As we're trying to access the data via the Power Automate custom connector to the Sage200 API, we found we do not have ...
Adriana Nita about 1 year ago in API 6 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Endpoint to allow customer allocation amendments

We have a requirement to be able to reverse the allocation for a given sales ledger transaction. For example, we could have a receipt allocated to 3 invoices and we need to be able to remove the allocation such that the invoices become outstanding...
Mark Hearne 6 months ago in Sales Ledger 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Posting Invoicing Credit Notes through Sage 200 API

Can we have a function to be able to post an actual credit note rather than using the credit transaction. As I would like it line per line as a credit note rather than one single transaction
Neil Raven 8 months ago in Invoicing 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Can Journal entry endpoint be added to the Sage 200 API for standard and professional?

Can Journal entry endpoint be added to the Sage 200 API for standard and professional?
Guest almost 2 years ago in Nominal 3 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add POST Stock Adjustments Endpoint (including Traceable Items) to Web API

Allow stock to be added to and written off via the Web API, allowing real-time integration with production systems.
Feechan, Glen about 1 year ago in Stock 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Could it be possible to add a get/update BOM functionality to the Sage 200 API?

We've been working on developing an integration using RESTful API to Sage 200 but have run into a roadblock. The roadblocks involve the Sage 200 API, it seems that there is no available endpoint to get/update the Bill of Material information. Woul...
Guest over 1 year ago in API 2 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Expose the Sales Return endpoint via the API

We currently use the Sage 200 API to post Order details to Sage via the SOP endpoint. This works perfectly, it is accurate and saves a lot of time for this to be automated. However we still need to create all our Sales Returns manually in Sage as ...
Sage API 12 months ago in SOP 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support