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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit S200UK-I-759 Nominal Journal.

Insert a Line within a Nominal Journal Template

When editing journal templates that contain many posting lines, it would be good to have the option to insert a line in a specified position, rather than having to tag it to the bottom of the list of postings.


Nominal Journal Templates - 'Insert' line

Nominal Journal templates offer the ability to delete lines but not insert, can you consider adding this feature as sometimes the order in which the line appears is important especially for large templates. Thanks Lisanbsp;
Guest almost 6 years ago in Journal Templates 0 Review in progress

Insert line to journal template

In Sage 50, you could insert a line (F7) to a journal template. In Sage 200 it is only possible to add a line at the bottom of the journal which is not ideal for a long journal. Please could an insert a line option be added to Sage 200.
Guest over 5 years ago in Journal Templates 0 Review in progress