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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Increase in field length for Cost Centre, Department and Report Category codes

It would be easier to design more complex charts of accounts with a little more flexibility in these codes. Maybe 5 or 6 characters for CC and Dept codes I have also struggled sometimes to design more complex Balance Sheet and P&L layouts with 4 character report category codes. A couple more characters would help there too

  • Gamal Haddou
    Jan 17, 2025

    Come on Sage, 3 characters is tiny! Intacct has lots of options and dimensions and we are limited to a mere 3 characters??


Increase the cost centre length

We use c/c for people. Once we reach 9 customers with the same initials we are stuck. This idea was mooted years ago and is now just at gauging support. Would it not be better for Sage to be more proactive and send out a voting form for the most 1...
Gamal Haddou 2 months ago in Department / Financial Statement Layouts 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support