Fixed Asset Valuation report to show Accumulated Depr
If assets have been migrated from another system the report does not cross cost i.e. Initial Value Less Total Depreciation = NBV, the Total Depreciation only includes Depreciation calculated by the Fixed Assets module
To be able to transfer assets that have fully depreciated to the fixed asset register
customer would like to add historical information about assets that are fully depreciated so need to put a deprecated value in adding an asset that does no update the nominal
over 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
FAR: Add the depreciation posted from another program
I wanted to see if there was an update from Sage at all regarding the issue that we (and presumably other sage users have) with regards to the shortfall in Sage 200 program where there is no option to be able to add the depreciation posted from an...
over 2 years ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Fixed Asset List - Depreciation Column to be for the entire life of the asset not just what has been posted in Sage
if you migrate the assets from another system eg Excel etc the Fixed Asset List only has a column that shows the Total Depreciation Posted - this makes it difficult to reconcile the FAV from the List View - the workaround is run a report and then ...
Saeed Malik
over 4 years ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support