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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Change nominal code on PO entry

Most nominal codes on stock items default to 'stock for resale' when entering a PO - which is fine. But if we purchase an item for internal use (eg. stationery) we cannot identify the non-stock product when it is invoiced.

Idea Benefit Goes to correct accounting classification - gives more accurate stock figure
How do you solve for this problem today? Don't know how to easily identify own use stock at the moment
Product Variant Sage 200 Professional
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Mar 17, 2025

    By default it will select the default based on the record. However if you have Allow Amendment of Nominal codes in POP settings is selected the code can be amended from the default on the order entry line.

    1 reply
  • Catherine Bywater
    Mar 17, 2025

    You could try issuing internally after receiving the item to stock ie set up an internal area. Or enter a free text item on the PO? Or change the nominal code when entering the invoice so that it goes straight to the correct cost centre? Lots of options.