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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Be able to re-size the "Transactions" section within the "Customer Transaction Enquiry" screen

It'd be useful if you could adjust the height of the "Transactions" section when in the "Customer Transaction Enquiry" screen.

Sometimes there might be one transaction with lots of lines in the nominal sub-section, or several invoices in the allocation section.

It'd be useful to reduce the number of rows in the top section to be able to view more rows in the bottom section.

This would be useful in other similar screens eg "Supplier Transaction Enquiry" too.

I've attached a screenshot. If you could adjust where I've highlighted in yellow up so it showed fewer transactions, then the scroll bar wouldn't be necessary in the bottom section because there would be more space to display all of the lines, rather than only some of them.


Idea Benefit Save time. Easier to provide evidence eg screenshots to auditors.
How do you solve for this problem today? Have to take multiple screenshots because you can't retrieve all of the information at once.
  • John Wilkins
    Oct 21, 2024

    Hi Geoff,
    Thank you. I'll ask our Sage partner to take a look.

  • Geoff Turner
    Oct 18, 2024

    If you're using Sage 200 Professional, that can be done with this script:

    Imports System
    Imports System.Windows.Forms

    Module addInModule
    Public Sub Main
    dim splitter as SplitContainer
    dim postedTransPanel=form.FindControlByName("postedTransPanel").UnderlyingControl
    dim postedDrillDownPanel=form.FindControlByName("postedDrillDownPanel").UnderlyingControl

    With form.FindControlByName("postedTabPage")
    .UnderlyingControl.Controls .Remove(postedDrillDownPanel)
    End With
    With splitter
    .SplitterDistance =postedTransPanel.Height
    End With
    End Sub
    End Module

    Save the script as Sage.MMS.PurchaseLedger.TransactionEnquiryForm.vbs and/or Sage.MMS.SalesLedger.TransactionEnquiryForm.vbs and get your business partner to package it as an add-on.