Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

increase cashbook group transaction limitation from 1000 records

We have a site that have large volumes of data being processed including grouped cashbook transactions but sage limitations mean 1000 records will not post due to out of memory errors, they have to do it in batches of 500 instead.

  • joanne scott
  • Sep 4 2024
  • Not an idea
Idea Benefit allow sites that have large volumes of data to process transactions correctly so they match their bank account
How do you solve for this problem today? post in 2 batches instead
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup commented
    12 Sep 07:59am

    Our technical support team have contacted the person who raised this idea.

    The site has bespoke work written by their business partner that performs the import, and the issue cannot be recreated on other sites therefore its a site specific issue.

    For now this is not an idea and should be discussed via the support case.