Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Password/MFA Policy - remember this device

Allow Administrators to ensure user passwords meet NIST guidelines and also enforce MFA.
Could the password policy be configurable or enforced as below by administrators?

Further to disable the ability for users to remember this setting on this device if possible.

  • Callum Middleton
  • Apr 8 2024
  • Will not implement
Product Variant Sage 200 Standard, Sage for Education
  • Jo Kirkup commented
    9 Apr 10:32am

    Sage Account (Sage ID) is a central identification service we use across our product and service range.

    For Sage 200 Standard & Sage for Education its the login mechanism for the product. For Sage 200 Professional its used to connect services to the product.

    Due to the nature of Sage ID any changes have to be considered across the entire product range, we had many customers who have requested the remember this device for 30 day functionality. Its therefore with regret that this idea will not be taken forward.