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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Show status of over allocated Works Order as Allocated instead of Part Allocated

At the moment, we can't distinguish between Works Orders that are not fully allocated and Works Orders that are over allocated as both show as Part Allocated.

The only way of telling them apart is by opening the Works Order or keeping a list of what still needs to be allocated.

We often need to over allocate as we issue full bags into production and we expect returns. Otherwise, we can't keep the stock at location accurate.

Idea Benefit Not having to check if a Works Order is actually part allocated or over allocated.
How do you solve for this problem today? Keeping a list of Works Orders with outstanding allocations - please note that we may have dozens of Works Orders live at different allocation stages.
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 30, 2024

    Sage 200 Manufacturing module is in extended support this means existing customers can continue to use the module, but there will be no further development. Please refer to our lifecycle document for more information (page 11).