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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Better flow of information for stock

It would be good if you could see in one place the stock selling price and the stock buying price, the location and the quantity in stock, I am new to Sage and find the flow between Stock, Sales and Purchases is very limited. Finding the information you need you have to open several items at the same time

Idea Benefit Quick and easy product information
How do you solve for this problem today? You can find the information from Several reports but we have been spoilt with our previous system where you could easily access this information in one screen
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 25, 2024

    Thanks for the additional comment, the reason that for this is per my note above in that the sales price on an order is determined by a number of factors i.e. the price list the customer is on and any applicable discounts given.

    Within Sales order Process > Enquiries > Customer Price Enquiry > you will be able to select the stock code to see the price.

  • Christine Sellick
    Jan 17, 2024

    Be careful if you are new to 200 as the selling price on the stock screen is not always the actual selling price. There is a reason why this is but I'm not sure and always have to check the price by raising a sales order, long winded in itself. When asked, Sage said there was no report to show the actual selling price.

  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Jan 15, 2024

    Please could you provide some examples? Is this for your job role, or do others in your business have similar requirements.

    Also, worth noting that you can have multiple price lists, discounts etc so this is usually more relevant to show this at the point of quote/ order entry.

    Also, we do have a report design service, it may be that what you want could be delivered this was - for more information please visit this knowledge article.