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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 13, 2020

Expose new new fields extended through object store builder to SAGE 200 API

At the moment any new fields extended through object store builder will not be exposed to the 200 API.
This limits functionality and puts the SAGE API at a distinctive to 3rd party API solutions which have costs associated with them.
We would always rather use the source vanilla API rather than buy some 3rd party add on.
Please could this functionality be added as it would make the API much more useful.

Fixed in version 2023 R2
Implemented in version (specific) 2023 R2
  • Admin
    Jo Kirkup
    Feb 8, 2024

    With the work we delivered with 2023 R2 it is now possible to extend existing Sage 200 endpoints to include custom fields and create new API endpoints to support custom business objects.

    Therefore if you add custom fields to an existing Sage object e.g. SOP Order Return, which we have exposed to the API, the custom field will be automatically available to the endpoint from 2023 R2.

    If you create a new object, then you will need to import your existing customisation into ObjectStore builder 2023R2 (or above) and build the API code. You will not need to use the regenerated persistent/business object, nor will you need to redeploy these, only the new API code.

    This is all documented in the SDK helpfiles under the "Extend the Sage 200 API" section; though if you have any questions please contact our Developer Services Team.