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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal
Status Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Categories Ebanking (Payments)
Created by David Stubbings
Created on Nov 22, 2019

Would like the Serial number (HSBCNetVolID) to increment automatically regardless of which PC

Employee who normally generates PL Payments for submission to HSBC Net was off so a different employee generated the payments.
The upload was rejected by HSBC Net as the Volume Number had been previously used.

The serial number appears to auto increment by user/PC but if a different user/PC runs the generate payment routine the serial number starts from 000001 – this is a problem as the bank rejects the file as that serial number has already been used.
Users may not know what serial number the last person submitted and therefore runs the risk of the payment file being rejected if the serial number has been used previously.

Current functionality
All the information gets written into the Bankserv.ini file, which, on Windows 7, lives in C:\Users\All Users\Sage\Sage Ebanking.

The OIN number gets written to a line starting: HSBCNetSUNID
The Serial Number gets written to : HSBCNetVolID
The User Narrative gets written to : HSBCNetContraRef

The OIN shouldn’t increment as this is supplied by HSBC, the narrative is free text, so the serial number will increment, but from the details above, it is PC specific. This is how the plug-in was designed to work, however the only workaround would be manually typing the serial number with other users/pc to the norm, or amending the file.

Required functionality
Customer would like the Serial number (HSBCNetVolID) to increment automatically regardless of which PC the last Generate Payment run was processed on.

Perhaps if the BankServ.INI file was held in a location on the Sage Share folder which Sage 200 referred to (instead of on the C Drive) then all users could request the Payment file without worrying if the Serial Number had been used previously

Business Advantage
User generating payments would not need to find out the serial number of the last payment file submitted to the bank to ensure the payment file is not rejected

Business Impact
This is inconvenient for the customer and can cause problems if an employee is on holiday or off sick.